Biz Grow Tips
"Daily idea to grow your small business"

Grow your business by becoming more active in your community

Grow your business by working with community associations and groups. Offer free workshops and education about your topic. Donate in exchange for exposure.

Ridiculous business growth tips from a drug kingpin

How much history's most feared drug lord spent on rubber bands. And one important lesson you can learn from him to help grow your profits and sales.

More ideas and tips

Grow your business using community outreach. Which community associations work with your target customer? How can you become involved?
Grow your business with community outreach: Are there any community groups that can endorse you? Can you create a special offer for their members in exchange for exposure?
Grow your business using local newspapers: What is newsworthy about your company? What is interesting or unique about your company that editors would find interesting? Any special awards you received?
Grow your business using community outreach: What topics can you educate your community about? What workshops can you run related to your business? Can you sponsor any educational events?
Grow your business and get more prospects by getting involved with your community: Which community organizations have your ideal customers as members? How can you strategically help the organization?
Grow your business without spending more on marketing by creating community relationships: Are there any community organizations that serve your target customers that you can get involved with?