Biz Grow Tips
"Daily idea to grow your small business"

The roots of business

How to build a strong business, able to weather any storm. And the common mistake that most business owners make with their business (and how to avoid it!)

Yesterday afternoon, I was just about to take a relaxing afternoon nap...when my cellphone suddenly buzzed.

Hesitantly I picked it up, and saw a message from one of my tenants.

"The toilet drain is blocked up and sewage is flowing into our backyard!", the message said.

Nap forgotten, I jumped up and phoned my trusty plumber.

First, he went over to the property with a plunger...but that didn't work.

Then, he went back with a Hydro Jet, which is a tool that blasts water into the pipe to unblock it...

That also didn't work, so he went back again, this time with a Hydro Truck, which blasts an even bigger and stronger stream of water into the pipe to unblock it.

But...that also didn't work. he brought in a jackhammer and cut out the concrete walkway to get to the pipe underneath.

What did he find? A mass of tree roots had burrowed their way into the drainage pipe, blocking up the entire drain system.

Slowly but surely, the tree roots had broken through the ceramic drain pipe. Now, when you look at one or two of these roots, it does not seem possible that they would be able to break through the strong, hard ceramic of the drain pipe.

But, working together, these tree roots are apparently unstoppable.

Here's the thing: most business owners try to build their business using one or two roots. You might have one way of getting prospects, and one way of converting those prospects into customers.

That works, until things get tough...and then you realize how fragile that can be.

The secret to building a successful business, a business that you can grow as much as you want, is to use multiple roots that work together to constantly grow your matter what the outside world looks like.

You need a marketing system that leverages multiple different roots, roots that will provide your business with constant access to the nutrients that it needs to grow: warm prospects, more customers, and more income per customer.

In today's email newsletter, I shared how you can start building a marketing system like this in your business.

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